Brazil: Coffee Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   BR2021-0020

ATO/Sao Paulo forecasts the Brazilian coffee production for Marketing Year (MY) 2021/22 (July-June) at 56.3 million 60-kg bags, a significant decrease of 19 percent compared to last year’s revised record output of 69.9 million bags. Adverse weather conditions in the Arabica coffee growing regions and trees mostly on the off-year of the biennial production cycle support the projected drop. Coffee exports for MY 2021/22 are projected at 35.22 million bags, a sharp drop of nearly 10 million bags from all-time record exports of 45.03 million bags in MY 2020/21, due to expected lower product availability. Increased coffee consumption in the Brazilian households has offset the losses in “out of home” consumption with the temporary and intermittent closure of Brazilian coffee shops, hotels, bars and restaurants imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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