USDA's latest official data on U.S. and global trade, production, consumption and stocks, as well as analysis of developments affecting world trade in coffee, can be found in the Coffee: World Markets and Trade report.
Data and Analysis
Overall, Indonesia’s total 2024/25 coffee production rose by approximately 2.4 million bags from the previous year. However, post revised down this 2024/25 production estimate 8 percent from the previous report’s estimate to 10 million bags as robusta crop recovery from severe weather impacts in 2023/24 underperformed expectations.
FAS Bogota estimates marketing year (MY) 2024/2025 Colombian coffee production at 12.9 million bags green bean equivalent (GBE), 1.1 percent higher from the previous year revised figure, reflecting continued recovery from favorable weather conditions and producers adopting improved agronomic practices to mitigate climate change shocks.
Brazil’s MY 2024/25 total coffee production is forecast at 66.4 million bags, 0.2 percent higher than the previous season. This timid growth comes in the aftermath of a strong period of adverse weather conditions in the main producing regions, which led to a decrease in initial estimates for the season.
News and Features
International Coffee Day is October 1 and FAS is brewing up excitement. On this day, we celebrate and promote one of the worlds most enjoyed beverages.
A mother-daughter duo that runs a specialty coffee farm, mill, and roastery in Hawaii has found success in the export market with USDA's support.