Fruit Logistica
Postponed from February 9 - 11, 2022

Fruit Logistica is the world’s leading international trade fair for fresh fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, and tree nuts. Statistics from past shows reveal more than 83 percent of visitors come from outside Germany. In 2020, Fruit Logistica included 3,300 exhibitors and attracted more than 72,000 visitors, including retailers, importers, and wholesalers. The USA Pavilion at this USDA-endorsed show welcomed 17 exhibitors. Visitors to the USA Pavilion found a wide variety of American produce, including apples, citrus and exotic fruits, pears, pistachios, pomegranates and pomegranate juice, sweet potatoes, and mangos. The 17 U.S. exhibitors included 12 small-to-medium size and 1 new-to-market companies. Fruit Logistica 2021 was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
FAS Contact: Andrew Schlegel, (202) 690-1835