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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Turkey: Grain and Feed Update

In an effort to tackle food price inflation, Turkey has implemented temporary tariff reductions on rice.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

France: Retail Foods

More than 70 percent of French household food purchases are made in supermarkets and local smaller discount stores.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

France: Exporter Guide

France (including its overseas territories) has 67 million consumers and is the third largest economy in the European Union after Germany and the United Kingdom.
On December 31, 2017, in their annual announcement of the tariffs for the upcoming year, Turkey decreased the custom tariffs for walnuts and almonds to 15 percent from 43.2 percent.
Turkey has delayed the implementation of a Product Verification Monitoring System (PVMS) for another one year.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Turkey: FAIRS Country Report

This report outlines specific requirements for food and agricultural product imports into Turkey.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Turkey: Geographical Indications in Turkey

Turkey’s new Law on Industry Property consolidates and updates existing decrees covering Geographical Indications (GIs).