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Attaché Report (GAIN)

China: 2014 American Food Festival in Chengdu

ATO Chengdu hosted the 2014 American Food Festival from July 25-August 7 in Chengdu at two highend retailers.
Chongqing’s Lianglu Cuntan Port & Free Trade Zone (CFTA), China’s only inland free trade port, was established on Nov 12, 2008 with State Council approval.
International Agricultural Trade Report

India’s Agricultural Exports Climb to Record High

In the past decade, India has emerged as a major agricultural exporter, with exports climbing from just over $5 billion in 2003 to a record of more than $39 billion in 2013.
As part of the negotiating process of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), the EU requested that names of certain products be protected on the basis of their geographical indications (GIs).
Attaché Report (GAIN)

South Africa: Raisin Annual

Post forecasts that South Africa’s raisin production will increase by nine percent to 50,000 MT in the 2014/15 MY, based on an increase in area planted and a recovery of grape vines after frost damage
South African Minister of Health issued a Government Notice (R429) inviting comments on the proposed amendments to the regulations relating to the labeling and advertising of foods.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Mozambique: Biotechnology in Mozambique

Minister of Science and Technology approved revised regulations that will create a positive environment for seed companies to start research.
On August 20, 2014 Mexico’s President, Enrique Peña-Nieto, announced the creation of the new National Finance of Agricultural, Rural, Forestry and Fisheries Development.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Argentina: Raisin Annual

Argentina’s raisin production and exports for Calendar Year (CY) 2015 are expected to rebound from the previous year.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Croatia: Market Brief – Tree Nuts

In 2013, Croatia imported $7.2 million in almonds, $6.9 million in walnuts, $4.9 million in hazelnuts and $1.4 million in pistachios.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Thailand: Biofuels Annual

Production of both ethanol and biodiesel continues to grow in line with consumption.
The information contained in this report deals with both public health and quarantine requirements for foods imported into Australia.