Australia: Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

Australia is a major producer of raw materials and processed foods but imports a growing volume of food and beverages. U.S. exports of consumer ready food products to Australia have risen steadily over recent years and in 2013 were valued at $1.07 billion. All foods sold in Australia must comply with a range of laws designed to protect public health and safety, to ensure plant and animal pests and diseases are not introduced, and to assist consumers. These laws apply equally to imported and locally produced foods. The information contained in this report deals with both public health and quarantine requirements for foods imported into Australia. All imported food must first comply with quarantine and imported food requirements and then with food safety requirements. All sections of this report have been reviewed and updated to reflect new or updated laws and regulations.

Australia: Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards

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