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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Caribbean Basin: MAPPED: Caribbean Basin

Caribbean Basin > Aruba + Barbados + Cayman Islands + Curacao + Dominca + Grenada + Guyana + Saint Kitts and Nevis + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines + Saint Lucia + Trinidad and Tobago
The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka’s (Sri Lanka) Ministry of Health recently introduced the Food (Refined Wheat Flour Fortification) Regulations (2022).
The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka’s (Sri Lanka) Ministry of Health recently introduced the Food (Color Coding for Sugar Levels - Liquid) Regulations (2022). These new regulations regulate the labeling of the sugar content of liquids effective January 1, 2024, replacing the current Food (Color Coding for Sugar Levels) Regulations (2016).
On October 20, 2022, the Sri Lanka Standards Institution (SLSI) notified draft amendment standards (Number 1) to SLS 1725-2:2021 for Processed Grain-based Food Products, Part 2: Cornflakes to the World Trade Organization (WTO). WTO members are invited to submit comments on notification G/TBT/N/LKA/51
On October 20, 2022, the Sri Lanka Standards Institution (SLSI) notified its draft amendment standards (Number 1) to SLS 894:2003 for bottled (packaged) drinking water to the World Trade Organization (WTO). WTO members are invited to submit comments on notification G/TBT/N/LKA/51. The comment period closes on December 20, 2022.
On October 20, 2022, the Sri Lanka Standards Institution (SLSI) notified draft amendment standards (Number 1) to SLS 1725-3:2021 for Processed Grain-Based Food Products, Part 3: Rolled Oats to the World Trade Organization (WTO). WTO members are invited to submit comments on notification G/TBT/N/LKA/51.
On October 20, 2022, the Sri Lanka Standards Institution (SLSI) notified draft amendment standards (Number 1) to SLS 1036:2020 for processed cereal-based foods for infants and young children to the World Trade Organization (WTO). WTO members are invited to submit comments on notification G/TBT/N/LKA/51.
On October 20, 2022, the Sri Lanka Standards Institution (SLSI) notified draft amendment standards (Number 1) to SLS 1725-4:2021 for Processed Grain-Based Food Products, Part 4: Rice Flakes to the World Trade Organization (WTO).
On September 12, 2022, the Sri Lanka Standards Institution (SLSI) notified draft amendment standards (number 1) to SLS 917:2018 for milk added drinks to the World Trade Organization (WTO). WTO members are invited to submit comments on notification G/TBT/N/LKA/51. The comment period expires on November 12, 2022.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Caribbean Basin: Retail Foods

Caribbean imports of consumer-oriented products shrunk from $2.3 billion in 2019 to $2.1 billion in 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, yet Caribbean retail grocery sales grew by an estimated 6 percent during the same period.
International Agricultural Trade Report

Opportunities for U.S. Agricultural Exports to Southern Asia

South Asia, which includes Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, accounts for 24 percent of the world’s population, with 1.84 billion people in 2019.
The Ministry of Health of Sri Lanka introduces a new regulation under the section 32 of the Food Act, No. 26 of 1980, in consultation with the Food Advisory Committee.