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Despite Brazil’s recent economic crises, plenty of new craft beer breweries opened in the last decade, offering alternatives to the mass-produced brands.
FAS/Moscow forecasts that wheat production will reach 73.5 MMT in MY2019/2020, a decrease from the previous forecast of 74 MMT based on industry and official data.
The 2020 FAIRS report provides up to date information on the regulations and procedures for the importation of food and agricultural products to Ghana.
For calendar year (CY) 2018, the U.S. exported $11.9 million of food and agricultural products to Senegal.
Hemp, marijuana, and cannabis from the plant Cannabis sativa L. are terms interchangeably used in the Philippines.
The Canadian foodservice sector grew by 5 percent to nearly $68 billion USD in 2018.
In October 2019, the Government of Niger promulgated National Biosafety Law 2019-48 which applies to genetically engineered products developed domestically or by a third country.
The Biosafety Law, 2012 contains information on the biotechnology approval process in Burkina Faso for genetically engineered (GE) products developed domestically or by a third country.
The U.S-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement (TPA) entered into force on October 31, 2012.
The first planting of Bt. Cotton for commercialization in Kenya is planned for the start of the long rains season, which is expected in March or April 2020.
Spain remains the largest grower of biotech corn in the European Union and a major consumer of genetically engineered soybean meal in animal feed.
Mozambique planted its first genetically modified (GM) corn trial at Chókwè Agricultural Station in 2017, as part of the Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA) program aimed to test drought....