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MY 2016/17 cotton area is forecast unchanged at 43,000 hectares (HA); farmers are not projected to add cotton area due to expected higher profit margins for other short duration crops.
Post forecasts total lint cotton production to increase by 23 percent to 395,000 bales in MY2016/17.
Introduction of a 6 percent Goods and Services Tax (GST) on April 1, 2015 increased costs and discouraged transshipment of cotton from Malaysia to nearby regional markets.
Area planted to cotton in MY 2016/17 will remain stable compared to 2015/16 levels.
The continued depreciation of the Indonesian rupiah against the U.S. dollar, depressed consumer purchasing power, and global economic slowdown is lowering demand for Indonesian textiles and products.
Marketing Year (MY) 2016 Turkish cotton area and production are projected to increase about 15 percent.
Post/New marketing year (MY) 2016/17 total Mexican cotton production is forecast to decrease approximately 4 percent due to an expected decrease in planted area.
Post’s production estimate for MY 2015/16 is lowered to 27.5 million 480 lb. bales.
MY 2015/16 production is expected to fall to 119,000 bales due to unfavorable weather in the southwestern region around Jessore.
Post’s production estimate for MY 2015/16 is lowered to 27.8 million 480 lb. bales.
Cotton crop prospects continue to erode and Pakistan’s 2015/16 cotton production estimate is estimated 500,000 bales lower at 7.5 million 480 lb bales, the lowest production since 1999.
MY2015/16 cotton imports are expected to decline 1 to 2 percent due to the weak economic recovery and competition from imported yarn.