Guatemala: Coffee Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   GT2021-0013

Guatemala coffee planted area in MY2021/2022 is forecast to remain steady at 305,000 Ha, but harvested area will increase 2 percent as planted trees mature. Production is forecast at 3.47 million 60-Kg bags, a 10 percent increase compared to 3.15 million 60-Kg bags estimated for the MY2020/2021 harvest, hit by hurricanes Eta and Iota at the beginning of the harvest. Between the storms and the COVID pandemic in 2020, the harvest dropped 16 percent. Exports in MY2021/2022 are forecast at 3.2 million 60-Kg bags. Consumption in MY2021/2022 will slightly recover as hotels, restaurants, and coffee shops open, but continue with limitations due to less than 1 percent of the Guatemalans being COVID vaccinated as of May 2021.

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