China: Tree Nuts Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   CH2021-0116

Awareness over the health benefits of tree nuts has increased consumer demand over the past five years. Manufacturers are developing creative products to meet demand from millennial and other consumers. Almond imports in Marketing Year (MY) 2021/22 are expected to continue rebounding on firm demand in the post COVID-19 pandemic era. Despite a projected increase in pistachio imports from the United States, overall pistachio imports are likely to drop in MY 2021/22 due to a sharp decline in Iranian supplies. Walnut imports from the United States are projected to decline in MY 2021/22 due to price hikes amid a smaller crop. China’s commercial in-shell walnut production is forecast at 1.1 MMT in MY2021/22, unchanged from the previous year. Tree nut imports may be affected by new registration and labeling requirements.

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