Tree Nuts

U.S. Tree Nuts Exports in 2023

Total Export Value
$8.82 Billion
Total Volume (Millions)
1.76 Metric Tons
3-Year Average
$8.89 Billion
Compound Average Growth
1% (2014-2023)
Market Total Value (USD)
European Union $2.29 Billion
China $1.18 Billion
India $1.1 Billion
Canada $642.94 Million
Turkey $497.85 Million
United Arab Emirates $425.87 Million
Mexico $328.72 Million
Japan $327.59 Million
South Korea $269.85 Million
Vietnam $237.62 Million
Tree Nuts Export Markets 2014 - 2023
Annual Tree Nuts Exports 2014 - 2023

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Data and Analysis

World Production, Markets, and Trade Report

Tree Nuts: World Markets and Trade

This biannual report includes data on U.S. and global trade, production, consumption and stocks, as well as analysis of developments affecting world trade in tree nuts.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

China: Tree Nuts Annual

FAS China forecasts commercial production of in-shell walnuts to rebound 11 percent to 1.5 MMT in MY 2024/25 supported by favorable growing conditions in major production areas. Improved world supplies and changing dietary concepts will likely drive nut imports to continue rising.
Since USDA first established a stand-alone mission area focusing on trade and international affairs in 2017, USDA’s Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs and the Foreign Agricultural Service, have made significant trade policy advances to support U.S. agriculture. This series of commodity fact sheets highlights the many recent trade policy advances achieved by USDA.

News and Features

The U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative are accepting applications for new members to serve on the agricultural trade advisory committees.
Stakeholder Notice

USDA Seeks Input on $50-Million Food Aid Pilot

FAS is seeking stakeholder input on a pilot project to include non-traditional commodities in the U.S. government’s international food assistance programs.
Secretary Vilsack announced today that USDA is allocating $300 million to 66 U.S. organizations to build demand for American food and farm exports in high-potential markets around the globe.