Chile: Tree Nuts Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   CI2024-0019
Post projects increased production in both walnuts and almonds in marketing year (MY) 2024/25 due to high yields caused by plentiful rainfall and favorable temperatures. Post estimates walnut production will reach 195,000 metric tons (MT) in MY 2024/25, a 11.4 percent increase year over year. Walnut exports will total 192,500 MT (in-shell basis), which represents a 12.1 percent increase over MY 2023/24. Meanwhile, walnut area planted is projected to increase only slightly, continuing a trend from recent years of stagnating growth. Producers have shifted to more profitable crops such as cherries, lemons, and mandarins, and because of changes in land use as urban areas continue to expand in the central area of the country. For almonds, Post projects that production will reach 11,500 MT for MY 2024/25, a 1.8 percent increase over MY 2023/24. Chilean almond exports will total 7,600 MT, a 4.1 percent increase over MY 2023/24.

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