Brazil: Annual Fresh Deciduous Fruit Report

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

For calendar year (CY) 2016, Post revised its apples production forecast down to 1 million metric tons (MMT), an 18 percent drop. The decrease in apple production is a result of unfavorable weather conditions and an ongoing decline of planted area. Apple imports increased 99 percent reaching 82,368 metric tons (MT) in CY2016. Total fresh pear imports were projected to drop 14 percent in CY 2015 to 179,306 MT when compared to the previous year. On the other hand, a 6 percent increase is estimated in CY 2016, reaching 205,000 MT of imported fresh pears. For grapes, production is projected to decrease significantly to 959,482 MT from the past estimate of 1.4 MMT, as a result of the weather problems experienced in 2015.

Brazil: Annual Fresh Deciduous Fruit Report

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