Active Food for Progress Projects

Bangladesh2020Land O'Lakes Venture37Strengthen systemic processes to ports, simplify and automate import and export processes, improve the capacity of government agencies, laboratories, and warehouses; and foster private and public investment, especially in cold storage.
Bangladesh2023ACDI/VOCAStrengthen the livestock support systems for small holder farmers through improved animal health services, increased access to credit for tackling climate issues, and better research and development to lower methane emissions. 
Benin2015Partners for DevelopmentIncrease productivity and processing, strengthen technical and business management capacity, and facilitate trade for pineapple farmers.
Benin2015TechnoServeInvestment in processing infrastructure and technologies across the cashew value chain to increase productivity and trade.
Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote D'Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria2019Land O'Lakes Venture37Boost cashew producers’ competitiveness by improving efficiency and quality and developing regional trade and investment policies.
Burkina Faso2016Lutheran World ReliefImprove sesame production, quality, and marketing to increase trade.
Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda2019CNFALeverage private investment in sanitary/phytosanitary capacity by enhancing partnerships with and through the East African Community and national SPS committees.
Burundi2022TechnoServeImprove coffee production and quality.
Cambodia2018American Soybean Association/World Initiative for Soy in Human HealthIncrease and improve fish production through adoption of commercial aquaculture feed.
Colombia2020Partners of the AmericasDevelop resilient and profitable supply chains for cacao and complementary crops.
Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria2020TechnoServeImprove competitiveness and expand trade for West African cashew processing sector through access to finance.
Cote d'Ivoire2023TechnoServeIncrease food security and environmental sustainability by helping producers improve tilapia and mango productivity, build climate resilience into their business models, and increase efficiency throughout the value chains.
Dominican Republic2020International Executive Service CorpsImprove efficiency, coordination, and transparency in the trade, commercialization, and safety of food and agricultural products.
Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Perú2018TechnoServeFoster long-term growth for coffee and cacao farmers by connecting them with quality inputs, affordable financing, and higher-value trading models.


Land O'Lakes Venture37

Build capacity of newly established National Food Safety Authority to expand trade of food products.
El Salvador2011Government of El SalvadorTechnical assistance and infrastructure improvements to increase trade capacity for fruit, vegetable, and livestock farmers.
El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras2022International Executive Service CorpsCross-cutting project incorporating climate-smart agriculture, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, and trade agreement implementation
Ethiopia2019TechnoServeIncrease coffee productivity and trade through improved financing and training programs.


Land O'Lakes Venture37

Increase productivity to expand trade the dairy and beef sectors.
Guatemala2014Government of GuatemalaStrengthen and integrate research institutions and value chain members.
Guatemala2016Counterpart InternationalBuild government, NGO, and private-sector capacity to deliver extension services to coffee producers to increase productivity and improve markets and trade.
Haiti2016Catholic Relief ServicesIncrease production and trade of cacao and related crops through improved farm management and post-production processing and handling.
Honduras2017TechnoServeFacilitate coffee producers’ access to direct marketing relationships and financial and other business services.
Indonesia2019National Cooperative Business Association CLUSA InternationalImprove the quality of black pepper, vanilla, and cinnamon production through processing and supply aggregations.
Jamaica2022ACDI/VOCARestore and strengthen ginger, turmeric, and pimento pepper production.
Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi2014Global Communities/CHFIncrease access to financing and markets for local agribusinesses, including loan guarantee facility backed by U.S. International Development Finance Corporation.
Laos2017Winrock InternationalIncrease horticulture production, reduce post-harvest loss, improve certification systems, and increase market access.
Lesotho2023Land O'Lakes Venture37Support the transformation of the poultry sector by improving the profitability and productivity for poultry and eggs producers for a more food-secure Lesotho.
Malawi2022Winrock InternationalEnhance sustainability and climate resiliency in the agriculture sector.
Mauritania2013Government of MauritaniaFood security, nutrition, and poverty reduction in rural areas.
Mauritania2023Partners of the AmericasProvide a stable source of fruits and vegetables for Mauritanians by increasing productivity in mangoes, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, and onions. Additionally, the project aims to create a more sustainable agricultural sector for the long-term through the development of better support services for farmers and the use of regenerative agricultural approaches.
Nepal2023Lutheran World ReliefStrengthen the aquaculture sector by focusing on three overarching components, including increasing productivity and expansion of trade of four key fish species, improving access to finance and end-market linkages, and strengthening Nepalese research and governments institutions. 
Nigeria2022Lutheran World ReliefIncrease agricultural productivity in the cocoa value chain by using climate smart agriculture and expand trade in cacao by improving Nigerian cocoa quality and traceability.
Paraguay2019International Executive Service CorpsImprove trade environment by decreasing the cost and time for import and export transactions.
Peru2022National Cooperative Business Association CLUSA InternationalEnhance the value chains for ginger, turmeric, and oregano.
Philippines2018ACDI/VOCAIncrease coffee production, value chain services, and exports.
Philippines2019Winrock InternationalPromote adoption of sanitary/phytosanitary measures.
Senegal, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau2017Shelter for LifeIncrease cashew production and quality to expand trade and improve transportation infrastructure to rural communities.
Sri Lanka2017International Executive Service CorpsSupport farmers and enterprises to meet dairy sector needs and catalyze sustainable growth.
Tanzania2014Small Enterprise Assistance FundsInvestment capital and entrepreneurial training for local agribusinesses and support to strengthen their relationships with smallholder farmers.
Thailand2022Winrock InternationalImplement climate-smart agricultural approaches and establish regional training hub.
The Gambia2023Shelter for LifeImprove food security and expand the trade of horticulture products locally and internationally by working with smallholder farmers to double fruit and vegetable productivity and improve the trade-enabling environment with better sanitary and phytosanitary standards. 
Togo2023Lutheran World ReliefSupport smallholder farmers to sustainably increase yields, expand processing, improve access to finance and marketing, and decrease post-harvest losses in the cassava, okra, and hot pepper value chains.