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Private exporters reported the following sales activity for MY 2023/2024: 200,000 MT of corn for delivery to Mexico and 183,000 MT of soybean cake and meal for delivery to the Philippines.
For a women-owned business in rural Indiana, working with USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service became a life-changing experience. Selling homemade peanut butter began as a team fundraiser idea for soccer moms Carol Podolak and Joy Thompkins. Seven...
Private exporters reported to USDA the following sales activity: 181,000 MT of red winter wheat for delivery to China during the MY 23/24; 117,300 MT of soybeans for delivery to unknown destinations during the MY 23/24; 100,000 MT of soybean cake and meal for delivery to unknown destinations during the MY 23/24.
Private exporters reported the following sales activity for MY 2023/2024: 124,545 MT of corn for delivery to Guatemala and 295,000 MT of soybeans for delivery to unknown destinations.
Private exporters reported the following sales activity to USDA: 121,000 MT of soybeans for delivery to China during the 2023/2024 MY; 213,000 MT of soybeans received in the reporting period for delivery to unknown destinations during the 2023/2024 MY.
On October 6, 2023, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced availability of credit guarantees for sales of U.S. agricultural commodities under the Commodity Credit Corporation’s (CCC) Export Credit Guarantee Program (GSM-102) for fiscal year 2024.
For more than 35 years, USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service has been hosting orientation visits for foreign attachés based in Washington, to provide firsthand knowledge of the excellence and diversity of American agriculture.
Private exporters reported sales of 196,607 MT of corn for delivery to Mexico - 109,226 MT is for delivery during MY 2023/2024 and 87,381 MT is for delivery during MY 2024/2025.
Private exporters reported the following sales activity for MY 2023/2024: 220,000 MT of soft red winter wheat for delivery to China and 265,000 MT of soybeans also for delivery to China.
Private exporters reported the following sales activity: 210,000 MT of corn for delivery to Mexico during the 2023/2024 marketing year; 132,000 MT of soybeans for delivery to China during the 2023/2024 marketing year.