Venezuela: Livestock and Products Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   VE2024-0013
Since 2014, Venezuela’s total meat consumption has declined 57 percent due to prolonged economic downfall. Nevertheless, since 2019, an improved economic environment has led to stabilized beef production and significant growth in the poultry sector. In 2024, total per capita meat consumption is forecast to be 32.4 kilograms, growing 83 percent from its 2018 record low. For 2024, FAS estimates Venezuela’s beef production to reach 293,000 metric tons (MT) a 5 percent growth year-on-year. Poultry meat and pork production in the outyear are forecast at 501,823 and 33,300 MT, respectively, each a 5 percent year-on-year growth. Domestic production continues to supply most of Venezuela’s meat supply, with chicken as the only major import category. For 2024, Post estimates poultry meat imports at 27,800 MT, a 43 percent rise from 2023.

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