Spain: Exporter Guide Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   SP2024-0009
In 2023, Spain imported $2.2 billion of agricultural and related products from the United States. Outside the European Union Member States, the United States was the fourth largest origin of agricultural and related imports. Spain’s economy continues to be resilient, and GDP is estimated to grow 1.9 percent in 2024, above the Euro area average. Though general inflation is relatively contained, consumers are prioritizing price in their purchasing decisions to control expenditures. Spain received 85.1 million international visitors in 2023, a significant increase of 18.7 percent over the previous year. Another record year is forecast for 2024, with the sector estimating more than 90 million visitors and more than $130 million total expenditure. Thus, Spain will continue to offer opportunities for certain consumer-oriented food items and enhance long-term prospects for other products. This report provides guidance to U.S. companies interested in exporting consumer-ready food products to Spain.

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