South Africa: South Africa Voluntarily Suspends Citrus Exports to the EU

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

On September, 8, 2014, South Africa voluntarily suspended citrus exports to the European Union (EU) as a result of the EU measures on Citrus Black Spot (CBS). Post estimates that South African citrus exports to the EU will be 14 percent less in the 2014 MY, and some of this decrease would be taken up by Asia. As a result, post anticipates that the South African 2014 MY citrus exports will be revised downwards by six percent to 1,630 million MT. South Africa has indicated that it will be lodging a formal dispute to the WTO, as the EU measures on CBS are driven by protectionist rather than scientific concerns. Post forecasts that South African citrus exports to the United States could surpass 50,000 MT in the 2014 MY, and exports are anticipated to continue growing in future, especially when the proposed regulation to permit CBS areas to export to the United States is passed.

South Africa: South Africa Voluntarily Suspends Citrus Exports to the EU

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