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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Serbia: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

Serbia’s 2009 “Law on Genetically Engineered Organisms (GEOs)” prohibits the importation and commercial production of genetically engineered crops. While Serbia’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management has prepared a more forward-leaning “Law on GEOs” amendment in 2018, the current Serbian government has not considered adoption of this revision.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Bolivia: Bolivia Approves the Use of Intacta Soybean

Bolivia announced on October 19 the approval of Intacta, a new biotech soybean variety with insect resistant Bt and glyphosate resistant traits. Intense drought and more unpredictable weather are disrupting Bolivian farmer livelihoods and they see the Intacta approval as one helpful step towards improved crop productivity and environmental resilience.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) 2009 “Law on Genetically Modified Organisms” (GMOs) and associated bylaws authorize the import of genetically engineered (GE) products. To date, the only GE product approved for import is soybean meal for feed.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Bosnia and Herzegovina: FAIRS Country Report Annual

This report provides information on the food and agricultural product import requirements for Bosnia and Herzegovina. Important points of contact for U.S. food exporters are listed in the appendices.
This report provides guidance and lists and describes certificates/documents that must accompany food and agricultural products exported to Bosnia and Herzegovina as required by pertaining regulations. Report last updated: June 2024.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Serbia: Grain and Feed Annual

Serbia’s Marketing Year (MY) 2024/25 wheat area is forecast at 625,000 hectares (HA), 14 percent lower than the previous year. If the predicted yield of 5 MT/HA is achieved, wheat production is expected to reach 3.1 Million Metric Tons (MMT).
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Serbia: Exporter Guide

Serbia offers good opportunities for the U.S. exporters of consumer-oriented agriculture products. From January-October 2023, total U.S. exports of agriculture products to Serbia reached $22.6 million, an increase of about 16 percent compared to the same period in 2022.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Exporter Guide

Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) maintains a significant trade deficit in its agro-food sector. In 2022, food imports reached $2.5 billion, while exports were valued at $595 million.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Serbia: FAIRS Export Certificate Report Annual

This report provides a guide to the certificate requirements for agricultural and food products intended for export to Serbia.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Serbia: FAIRS Annual Country Report

This report provides insights into Serbian regulations and standards pertaining to food, agriculture, agricultural products, and foreign trade. It covers topics such as labeling, packaging, food additives, and import procedures.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) allows import of genetically engineered (GE) products, by permit, based on the 2009 “Law on Genetically Modified Organisms” (“GMOs”) and its pertaining bylaws. To date, the first and only GE product approved for import is...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Serbia: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

After over a decade, Serbia still has not implemented changes to its “Law on Genetically Engineered Organisms (GEOs),” which was adopted in 2009. Even though Serbia prepared an amended “Law on GEOs” in 2018, changes to this are not on the list of possible adoptions created by the current Serbian Government.