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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Singapore: Exporter Guide Annual

Singapore’s economy has rebounded post COVID-19 pandemic. The city-state is heavily reliant on imports of food and energy, the food and beverage industry are largely driven by international tourism and consumer spending.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Singapore: FAIRS Export Certificate Report Annual

The report discussed food and agricultural export product certificate required by the Singapore Government.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Singapore: FAIRS Country Report Annual

The report provides information on the regulations and procedures for the importation of food and agricultural products from the United States to Singapore.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Singapore: Exporter Guide

Singapore’s economy has made significant progress towards normalization post COVID-19 pandemic. The city-state is heavily reliant on imports of food and energy, the food and beverage industry are largely driven by international tourism and consumer spending.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Singapore: Food Service - Hotel Restaurant Institutional

Singapore’s hotel, restaurant, and institutional (HRI) sector is vibrant and highly competitive with sales in 2022 totaling $9 billion USD. It is highly diverse with a broad range of Asian and Western cuisines widely available. The industry should return to normalcy in 2024.
International Agricultural Trade Report

Opportunities for U.S. Agricultural Products in Singapore

Singapore imports more than 90 percent of its food and has a diverse, competitive array of trading partners. The United States and Singapore have a long-standing free trade agreement (FTA), and Singapore is a well-developed market for high-quality food and agricultural products.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Singapore: Retail Foods

Singapore’s food retail sector is highly developed and competitive. The industry is comprised of a range of large supermarkets/hypermarkets, convenience stores, “mom and pop” traditional stores, and specialty retailers.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Singapore: FAIRS Annual Country Report

The report provides information on the regulations and procedures for the importation of food and agricultural products from the United States to Singapore.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Singapore: FAIRS Export Certificate Report Annual

This report discussed food and agricultural export product certificates currently required by the Singapore Government.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Singapore: Exporter Guide

Singapore’s economy is rebounding strongly from the COVID-19 pandemic. The city-state’s highly import dependent, multi-billion dollar food industry is driven by robust consumer spending, high disposable incomes, and intense urbanization.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Singapore: Food Service - Hotel Restaurant Institutional

Singapore has a highly developed and competitive hotel, restaurant and institutional (HRI) sector with sales in 2021 totaling $7.7 billion USD. The HRI sector suffered badly during the pandemic. The industry lost over $19 billion USD from tourism sales in 2021 alone.
This report discusses food and agricultural export product certificates currently required by the Singapore Government.