Attaché Report (GAIN)

Canada: Mid-year Marketing Updates from Canada

FAS/Canada reflects on an exciting and busy year of marketing activities, including a host of events under the tasteU.S. brand.
The Foreign Agricultural Service’s FY 2016 tasteU.S. GBI’s program, launched its first tasting laboratory at this year’s National Women’s Show, November 4 -6, 2016 in downtown Toronto.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Canada: Dates Win Innovation Prize at GIC 2015

Bard Valley Medjool Date Growers (BVMDGA) were voted a Most Innovative Product with their new Pumpkin Pie Spiced and Dark Chocolate Orange Date Rolls at Canada’s annual Grocery Innovation Show (GIC).
In previous years, some U.S. exhibitors at shows or trade fairs in Canada have run into difficulties with getting their products across the border.