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Attaché Report (GAIN)

European Union: EU Olive Oil Production Update

In MY 2023/24, the EU is facing a second consecutive short olive oil production crop.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

France: FAIRS Annual Country Report

France, as a member of the European Union (EU), generally follows EU directives, regulations, and obligations.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Serbia: FAIRS Export Certificate Report Annual

This report provides a guide to the certificate requirements for agricultural and food products intended for export to Serbia.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Serbia: FAIRS Annual Country Report

This report provides insights into Serbian regulations and standards pertaining to food, agriculture, agricultural products, and foreign trade. It covers topics such as labeling, packaging, food additives, and import procedures.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Mexico: Exporter Guide

Mexico was the third largest agricultural export market for U.S. exporters in 2022, with total agricultural exports valued at nearly $28.5 billion. Mexico’s economy grew by 3.1 percent in 2022, returning to near pre-pandemic levels.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Chile: Exporter Guide

Chile presents excellent export opportunities for U.S. food and beverage exporters. After record-setting exports in 2021, shipments of U.S. agricultural and related products to Chile reached $1.1 billion in 2022.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Canada: Wood Pellets Annual

FAS/Canada forecasts Canada's wood pellet production to decline by six percent in 2023 as a result of closure of pellet mills, reductions in allowable cut, and a high activity wildfire season.
The Ontario provincial government announced that sales of wine, beer, low-alcohol ready-to-drink beverages, and cider will be allowed in all groceries and convenience stores starting from January 1, 2026.
Due to increased detections of the highly pathogenic avian influenza (AI) virus H5N1 in wild birds, the Austrian authorities declared certain areas of Austria at greatly increased risk of AI.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Mexico: Citrus Annual

In market year (MY) 2023/24, total citrus production in Mexico is expected down slightly by 1.5 percent versus the previous year, driven primarily by a reduction in fresh lime production. While fresh orange production is projected up fractionally, increasingly erratic conditions such as prolonged drought and high temperatures affected the main producing regions in the current year and reduced harvest quality.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Argentina: FAIRS Export Certificate Report Annual

This report includes technical requirements and export certificates for the export of food and agricultural products to Argentina. It complements the Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards Annual Country 2023 Report
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Argentina: FAIRS Annual Country Report

This report is an overview and update on regulations and standards for importing U.S. food and beverage products to Argentina. Post recommends U.S. suppliers interested in the Argentine market contact the FAS Buenos Aries office at AgBuenosAires@USDA.GOV or (011-54-11 577-4627 or contact local importers to discuss the rules and regulations applicable to import requirements for specific products.