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Highlights: This report provides information on the laws and regulations for food, import rules for food, and contact information in the Czech Republic. It is recommended to read the EU Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards, because the Czech Republic, a member of the European Union, follows the EU directives and regulations.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Czech Republic: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

There are no significant changes to the agricultural biotechnology situation in the Czech Republic in 2022. The country generally maintains a scientific approach towards biotechnology. Czech farmers planted genetically engineered (GE) corn from 2005 to 2017.
As a member of the European Union (EU), the Czech Republic implements EU regulations regarding required export certifications.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Malaysia: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

Malaysia’s Biosafety Act 2007 and Biosecurity Regulations are currently under review by the Department of Biosafety. As of September 2022, 57 genetically engineered (GE) products have been approved for import, an increase of 14 percent from 2021.