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Effective May 19, 2019, Canada repealed its retaliatory import surtaxes on certain products imported from the United States, including agricultural products.
Health Canada is proposing the revocation of maximum residue limits (MRL) for three fungicides: Ferbam, Thiram, and Ziram.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Canada: Oilseeds Update - Canola

Further disruption of Canadian canola exports to China as well as continued availability of global exportable oilseed supplies have led FAS/Canada to adjust several estimates reported....
This report identifies certification requirements for U.S. food and agricultural products destined for the United Arab Emirates.
Beginning April 2019, Emirates Airlines first and business class passengers will enjoy high quality American beef while they dine at 32,000 feet.
Graphic showing the top markets for U.S. ag exports in 2018. Canada was the top market, followed by Mexico and the European Union.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

United Arab Emirates: FAIRS Annual Country Report

In 2018 the United Arab Emirates (UAE) introduced new and amended regulatory requirements related to the importation and sale of agricultural goods.