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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Israel: Certificate of Origin Update

In an effort to further facilitate trade between Israel and the United States, the two parties have agreed to reduce the paperwork burden necessary to take advantage of the tariff reductions....
Commencing February 15, 2018, the Jordanian government is imposing a 20 percent sales tax on 164 items, mostly food and beverage products (including carbonated drinks)....
The United States and Tunisia have recently agreed to a number of bilateral health certificates to open and/or better facilitate the export of U.S. livestock and poultry genetics....
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Saudi Arabia: Retail Foods

Two retailers started online sales of perishable products in 2017, and Saudi Arabia’s retail sector continues to grow rapidly.
Jordan is replacing its bread subsidy program with targeted supports starting February 1, 2018.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Israel: FAIRS Export Certificate Report 2017 - Errata

Errata to 2017 Israel FAIRS Export Certificate Report, SECTION V: Other Certification Requirements to Ensure Market Entry: United States – Israel FTA Certificate of Origin.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Egypt: Food Service - Hotel Restaurant Institutional

The Egyptian hotel, restaurant and institutional (HRI) sector shows signs of recovery and growth following a number of slow years.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Algeria: Grain and Feed Update

Good opportunities may exist again for U.S. Grain exports due to the exemption from VAT for products destined for animal feed and the removal of the import licenses.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Israel: FAIRS Country Report

The major highlights from the last year include: Draft Revision "Protection of Public Health Regulations (Food) (Nutritional Labeling). The Control of Animal Feed Law 2014 came into effect March....
Attaché Report (GAIN)

France: Retail Foods

More than 70 percent of French household food purchases are made in supermarkets and local smaller discount stores.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

France: Exporter Guide

France (including its overseas territories) has 67 million consumers and is the third largest economy in the European Union after Germany and the United Kingdom.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Saudi Arabia: FAIRS Export Certificate Report

The major export certificates required by Saudi Arabia’s regulatory and import control agencies are included in this Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards (FAIRS) - Certificates....