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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Argentina: Oilseeds and Products Annual

Post forecasts slightly lower soybean production on limited area rise and a return to historical yield levels for 2017/18.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Uruguay: Oilseeds and Products Annual

Post forecasts 2017/18 area planted to remain stagnant at 1.2 million hectares. This area and a return to historical yields are forecast to produce 3 million tons.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Brazil: Citrus Semi-annual

The Brazilian orange crop for 2017/18 (MY 2016/17) is projected at 471 million boxes, an increase of 34 percent compared to the previous crop...
Chile’s main supplier of dairy products is the United States, providing 25 percent of its supplies.
Bar chart comparing percentage of market share for agricultural exports between Canada, Mexico and the United States.
This report provides technical import requirements and regulations for food and agricultural products currently required by the Government of Kenya (GOK)...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Mexico: Tomato Annual

Tomato production for marketing year 2017/18 is estimated at 3.4 million metric tons (MMT), similar to the previous marketing year.
Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) published “Official Resolution # 6630 of 2017” which removed the plant pest Tilletia horrida from Colombia’s official phytosanitary quarantine pest list.
Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) published “Official Resolution # 6705 of 2017” which removes the phytosanitary measures for the transportation of imported paddy rice coming from the U.S.
Post has increased the marketing year (MY) 2016/17 corn production estimate based on expectations for a strong crop this year.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Tanzania: Coffee Annual

Tanzania’s coffee production will increase to 1.15 million bags in the marketing year (MY) 2017/2018, from 1.05 million bags in MY 2016/2017, primarily due to the biennial bearing cycle.
Angola’s wheat milling capacity is expected to grow over the next several years, with the opening of two new mills and increased production at two existing mills.