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G7 Agricultural Ministers Meeting; NAEGA Event Gathers Local Grain Traders in Tokyo; ATO Japan Holds First Food Ingredient Seminar in Tokyo; Natto Competition Award Ceremony
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Confectionary Products Brief

BiH’s Confectionary imports are twice BiH’s exports in value terms. In 2015, BiH’s total imports of these products equaled $65.4 million...
The 6th annual Interpets Asia Pacific tradeshow set record highs for exhibitors and attendance, highlighting the value of the Japanese pet care industry.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Japan: Whisky Market

According to the statistics of the Japan Ministry of Finance, imports of whisky from the United States to Japan increased 21% from 9,807 kiloliters (kl) in 2014 to 11,854 kl in 2015.