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Infographic: U.S. Agricultural Exports, FY 2016

Infographic highlighting the total exports, top destinations, and top commodities for U.S. agricultural exports in 2016.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Austria: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

Austria continues to be one of the leading forces in Europe opposed to the use of agricultural biotechnology. Austria was an initiator and always a supporter of the “opt-out” legislation...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Austria: FAIRS Export Certificate Report

This report covers only specific export certificate requirements by Austria, which are different from EU requirements.
Exporters shipping whey protein food supplements to the EU should be aware that EU Importing Countries’ Inspectors at EU Border Inspection Posts (BIPs) will check if the consignment is shipped...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Turkey: Oilseeds and Products Update

Turkish soybean area and production for MY 2016 is now estimated about 30,000 hectares and 100,000 MT. Adverse weather conditions have been reported to have affected yields.
The Government of Russia (GOR) published a significantly modified draft of Russian Government Regulation (Resolution) on the quarantine phytosanitary control of imported planting seeds and planting...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Estonia: Estonia Remains a Net Importer of Poultry Meat

Although Estonian poultry meat production is on a rise, domestic supplies do not cover growing domestic demand.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Estonia: Livestock and Products Report

Estonian Swine inventories are expected to decrease by 15 percent in 2016 due to low levels of farmgate prices for swine, ASF outbreak, and introduction of the Russian import ban in 2014.
Lithuania is the largest poultry meat producer among the Baltic States. In 2015 production of poultry meat amounted to 110,700 MT and was 11 percent higher than in 2014.
The restrictions on exports of pork caused by the outbreak of African Swine Fever (ASF) and the continuing effect of the Russian ban on imports of live swine resulted in a four percent decrease...
As of January 1, 2017 a new regulations on voluntary marking of foodstuffs with the words “Produkt polski” (Made in Poland) is likely to go into effect in Poland.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Poland: Dried Fruit and Nut Sector

Nuts demonstrated the highest levels of growth in sales at six percent value out of all sweet and savory snack foods in the Polish market over the period 2014-2015.