As of April 22, 2015 the container size requirements in the Dairy Products Regulations (DPR), the Maple Products Regulations (MPR) and the Fish Inspection Regulations (FIR) are repealed.
Province of Ontario on March 23, 2015, opened a public consultation period on a proposed regulatory change aimed at reducing the use of neonicotinoids (NNI) as seed treatments for corn and soybeans...
Chile recognizes the United States as a country of negligible risk for Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) and by doing it, lining up with the World Organization of Animal Health (OIE).
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Chile: New Nutritional Labeling Regulation

The Chilean Congress adopted Law No. 20,606 on nutrition and composition of food and its advertising on July 2012.
On April 7, the SAGARPA published a proposal in the Diario Oficial (Federal Register) establishing the criteria to be included in the quality certification label on packages of seeds for planting.
Canada has published revisions to the original draft of the Low-Level Presence of Genetically Modified Crops and Imports policy based on industry feedback and is seeking comment on these changes.
Trinidad and Tobago’s Ministry of Food Production reconfirmed the U.S. competent authorities recognized for certification of dairy products & foods that contain a dairy component sourced from the U.S.
Barbados Ministry of Agriculture reconfirmed the U.S. competent authorities recognized for certification of dairy products and foods that contain a dairy component sourced from the United States.
For nearly two years USDA agencies have engaged Barbados in bilateral discussions that recently culminated with issuance of clearer requirements for dairy products for human consumption...
The following report provides a summary and update of the nine primary ports of entry (POE) located along the 1,900-mile-long United States–Mexico border.
On March 14, 2015, Peru’s Ministry of the Environment announced a fine structure for any company in non-compliance with the 10 year moratorium on genetically modified organisms.