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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Spain: Spain Wine Sector Outlook 2024

In Spain, wine is an important part of the economy, society, landscape, culture and gastronomy. Spain boasts the world’s largest vine area and is the third largest wine producer in the European Union (EU), after France and Italy.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Spain: Retail Foods Annual

The Spanish retail sector is experiencing a 2024 with good prospects despite still facing elements of uncertainty. Consumers, having emerged from the latest inflationary crisis, have become more rational in their purchasing decisions, and are prioritizing price to control expenditure.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Philippines: Retail Foods Annual

With the Philippines as one of the fastest-growing economies in Southeast Asia, Post sees the retail sector growing five percent as modern retail stores continue to expand.
On August 20, 2024, the Philippines notified the World Trade Organization (WTO) of GBT/TBT/N/PHL/336 on the Guidelines on the Adoption of Codex Guidelines for Ready-To-Use Therapeutic Foods (RUTF) (CXC 95-2022) as Technical Regulation.
The Philippines recently notified regulations on follow-up formula or milk supplements and products for young children to the World Trade Organization.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Philippines: Confectionery and Ice Cream Market Brief

Fueled by Filipinos' fondness for food indulgences, rising disposable incomes, and increasing urbanization, the $1.2 billion confectionery and ice cream market is expected to see robust growth of eight percent annually through 2028.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Philippines: Snack Foods Market Brief

Fueled by a strong snacking culture, the Philippines' $2.6 billion snack food market presents a prime opportunity for U.S. exporters. While imports currently occupy only 15 percent of shelf space, U.S. products account for more than 20 percent of that share.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Philippines: Food Processing Ingredients Annual

As the Philippines’ economic growth outpaces its neighboring countries, the market presents stronger opportunities this year for U.S. food and beverage ingredients, including wheat, dairy products, poultry, pork, beef, starch products, processed and dried fruits, food preparations, and soy.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Spain: Food Processing Ingredients Annual

In 2023, Spain imported $2.2 billion worth of agricultural, seafood and forest products from the United States, up 3 percent compared to the previous year. Even though inflation rates declined in 2023 as compared to the record highs registered in 2022, they remained higher compared to pre-pandemic levels.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Philippines: Market Brief on Processed Vegetables

Philippine imports of processed vegetables grew 35 percent year on year, reaching $460 million in 2022. Imports increased 40 percent as of August 2023, coinciding with a five percent rise in GDP during the first half of the year. The United States...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Philippines: Dairy and Products Annual

FAS Manila forecasts demand for dairy products to increase 3 percent to 3.5 million metric tons (MT) in liquid milk equivalent (LME) in 2024, as high prices slow growth in consumer demand. The Philippines imports 99 percent of its dairy requirement...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Philippines: Retail Foods

Post sees the food and beverage retail sector growing six percent more slowly than last year. Retail sales continue accelerating as chains open new outlets while enhancing their imports sections.