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- (-) Forest Products
- (-) April 2015
- (-) January 2015
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MOF issued a Notification in the Royal Gazette detailing the preferential duty reduction schedules under Section 12 of the Customs Tariff Decree B.E. 2530 for imported wood products.
The United States exported a record $9.7 billion of forest products in fiscal year 2014. Among U.S. agricultural exports, only corn and soybeans had higher export values.
Putin Signed Federal Law Limiting Agencies Authority . . . Russian Fish Catch Down Slightly in 2014 . . . Federal Law Extends Support to Processing and Marketing of Agricultural Products . . .
On January 9, 2015, the Kyrgyz Republic notified the World Trade Organization (WTO) of a draft Law on Plant Quarantine (G/SPS/N/KGZ/1).
Through EU and UK political and regulatory policy interventions, renewable fuel (e.g. wood pellets) has been incentivized as a vehicle to help de-carbonize the energy sector.
November 2014, the National Biosafety Board announced that it was assessing a proposal from the Malaysian Rubber Board to conduct confined field trails on genetically engineered (GE) rubber trees.
This report provides information on the Delhiwood trade show that will be held for the fourth time in Greater Noida near New Delhi from February 4-7, 2015.
FAS Lima coordinated for the American Softwood and the Engineered Wood Associations and accompanying members a series of site visits and meetings with Peruvian lumber importers.