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Attaché Report (GAIN)

China: Grain and Feed Update

Feed demand in marketing year (MY) 2024/25 is expected to recover slightly, with a projected total volume of 286.5 million metric tons (MMT). Corn is expected to dominate feed composition due to low prices, replacing wheat and old stock rice.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

China: Grain and Feed Update

Higher feed demand from broiler, aquaculture, and ruminants will push total feed use slightly higher in MY2024/25 with greater corn inclusion into feed rations than previous years. MY2024/25 corn production is forecast larger than MY2023/24 with larger yields.
On May 8, 2024, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) announced the issuance of new and renewed biosafety certificates for genetically engineered (GE) and gene-edited events.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

China: Grain and Feed Annual

Feed production is forecast lower on declining demand from poultry and livestock producers. Corn production in MY2024/25 is forecast larger than MY2023/24 due to improved yields and a slightly larger planting area, despite government policies encouraging increased soy area and reduced corn area.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

China: Grain and Feed Update

Heavy rainfall in late summer led Post to increase Marketing Year (MY) 2023/24 corn production upwards by 4.2 percent. Post estimates corn feed and residual use at 223 Million Metric Ton (MMT) due to decreasing feed demand and low corn prices.