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This report contains an unofficial translation of Morocco’s requirements on flour fortification, which implements Decree No. 2-04-52, and reaffirms its applicability to imported fortified flour.
This report contains an unofficial translation of Morocco's standards of identify for flour.
This report contains an unofficial translation of Morocco's general modalities applicable to the import and export of cereals (e.g., wheat, corn, barley, rice), pulses, and their products....
This report contains an unofficial translation of Morocco's Agricultural Development Fund for 2017, which highlights a number of its domestic support and export subsidy programs....
Taiwan imported over a billion dollars of U.S. genetically engineered (GE) crops in 2017, accounting for over a third of total U.S. agricultural exports to the island.
In Pakistan, a developed biotechnology and seed regulatory structure is in place to facilitate the introduction of new technologies in the country.
India’s political environment continues to hinder the development of agricultural biotechnology regulatory system.
Germany has 83 million of the world’s wealthiest consumers and is by far the biggest market in the European Union.
Ethanol production using sugarcane and molasses in 2018 is expected to increase to 270 million liters (ML) from 235 ML the previous year as aggregate capacity increases.
On November 22, 2018, Japan notified the World Trade Organization (WTO) of draft amendments to the maximum residue levels (MRLs) for the pesticides Chlorpropham, Fenubucarb, and Imidacloprid....
Due to bad weather during the flowering and fruit growing seasons, Korean fresh apple production is projected to decrease by 14 percent to 467,800 metric tons (MT) in Marketing Year (MY) 2018/19.
Turkish soybean area for MY 2018/19 is about 26,000 hectares and production is 100,000 MT, lower due to increases in cotton planting in recent years.