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ATO Shenyang has launched the Friends of the ATO business initiative to bring together contacts in Northeast China’s agricultural, forest and fishery sectors, and to highlight FAS’ role....
Production of feed grains is expected to increase slightly over the review period, due in part to government incentive programs.
MY 2018/19 (May-April) rice production is forecast slightly up, to 34.9 million metric tons, on Aus and Aman season rice production due to favorable weather conditions and sufficient amount of inputs.
U.S. corn exports to Peru remain strong and are forecast to reach 3.4 MMT in MY 2019/2020.
As Ecuador’s economy stabilizes and becomes more open to trade, wheat consumption is expected to trend upward.
China’s total pulse production from Marketing Year 2018/19 (October 2018 until September 2019) is forecast at 4.4 million tons, down about 5 percent from MY2017/18 due to lower harvested area.
Local press reports that a major Hong Kong retail chain has urged local suppliers to agree that any product price increase requests must be submitted 12 weeks in advance with detailed....
This report contains information about Bulgaria’s Hospitality, Restaurant, and Institutional (HRI) food service industry.
Ukraine is a lower-middle income country in Eastern Europe. Its economy is slowly recovering after the political and economic turmoil of recent years.
Ukraine is a developing country with market-oriented economy.
This report lists and describes certificates that should accompany food and agricultural exports to Egypt.
This report is an overview and update of Japan’s general legal and technical requirements for food and agricultural imports.