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With sugar production zones recovering from the drought that affected the country in the past year, Post forecasts sugar production of 580,000 metric tons (MT) during Marketing Year (MY) 2020/2021...
The Dutch food processing sector generated net sales of $91.6 billion in 2019, driven by local demand as well as growing demand from other European markets.
Germany is the fourth largest wine producer in the European Union after France, Italy, and Spain.
On April 3, 2020, Jordan issued a new regulation regarding the importation of products labeled as containing genetically engineered (GE) ingredients.
On April 13, Japan’s Agriculture and Livestock Industries Corporation (ALIC), a state-trading enterprise, announced details of $875 million it will receive as part of Japan’s COVID-19...
Prices for major Brazilian row crops, including soybeans, corn, rice, and wheat, all hit record highs in nominal value in recent weeks.
South Africa with its well-developed business market, serves at a gate way to Sub-Saharan African markets.
Bulgaria’s hotel, restaurant, and institutional (HRI) sectors were severely affected by COVID-19 and subsequent business closures.
Post projects 2020/2021 Uruguayan soybean planted acres at 920,000 hectares, a decrease of 80,000 HA or 8% from 2019/2020 with total production of 2.35 million tons.
Paraguay 2020/2021 soybean production is forecast at 10.25 million tons with expected normal yields and a slight expansion in first crop soybeans and rebounded acreage for second crop soybeans.
Although Malaysia’s multibillion-dollar food processing industry has been significantly disrupted in the short-term by the COVID-19 pandemic, the sector is fairly robust and has been identified...
On March 26, 2020, China Customs (GACC) published Announcement No. 43 on Adjusting the Supervision of Imported Cotton, eliminating the requirement for quality inspection of all imported cotton...