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Favorable cotton prices relative to synthetic fibers prices, coupled with the expansion of large mills, have led to higher imports and consumption of cotton.
Despite continued water deficit in the South and some pest problems during vegetation in some regions, in general, this year’s weather conditions were favorable for growers.
Post forecasts 2014/15 area planted to cotton at one million hectares with cotton production reaching 6.9 million bales (1.5 million metric tons).
Cotton consumption and imports by Thailand are estimated to decline in MY 2014/15.
The marketing year MY 2014 Turkish cotton crop is now projected at 430,000 hectares and 700,000 metric tons (MT) (3.2 million bales).
U.S. agricultural exports to Southeast Asia have experienced extremely rapid growth in recent years and, in FY 2014, they climbed to a record $11.5 billion – up 11 percent from FY 2013.
Official statistics reveal marketing year (MY) 2014/15 planted area reached a record 12.7 million hectares.
On December 31, 2013, China’s National Standardization Technical Committee on Cotton Processing published the final version of National Standard on cotton baling (GB6975-2013).
Recent floods damaged an estimated 80,000 hectares of cotton area, a small fraction of Pakistan’s 3.1 million hectares of cotton.
The Government of Pakistan has announced a seed cotton support price of 34 cents per pound for the upcoming harvest, a significant increase over the prevailing farm price of 26 cents per pound.
In 2008, El Salvador abolished the Planting Seed Law that required imported seeds to have a phytosanitary certificate with an additional declaration stating that the seeds did not contain GMOs.
In recent years, India’s exports have demonstrated phenomenal growth – especially to developing countries, which now account for nearly 80 percent of Indian exports.