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The Secretariat of Economy (SE) published in the Diario Oficial (Federal Register) on March 31, 2017, an announcement containing the maximum quota allotment of sugar to be exported....
Sugar beet and sugar production in Ukraine peaked in marketing year 2016/17. It is expected to continue growth in marketing year 2017/18, stimulated by increasing exports of sugar....
Post forecast overall sugar production of 530,000 Metric Tons (MT) during Marketing Year (MY) 2017/2018 (October/September).
Beginning February 4, 2017, Korea’s Ministry of Food and Drug Safety began enforcing biotech labeling requirements that were finalized on February 3, 2016.
On February 22, 2017, the South African National Treasury published the Draft Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment of Revenue Laws Bill for public comment.
On February 20, 2017, the Philippine Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA) issued Sugar Order No. 3 (SO No. 3), Series of 2016-17....
Ethiopia’s agriculture imports reached $1.8 billion in 2015. Future imports are expected to increase as the country’s economy and population continue to grow.
FSSAI issued multiple final and draft amendments related to food additive and standards, contaminants and toxins, and labeling and packaging regulations.
Costa Rican food processors and consumers trust and value food products that include U.S. raw materials and ingredients. Demand for quality ingredients has been steadily increasing...
The Secretariat of Economy (SE) published in the Diario Oficial (Federal Register) on December 26, 2016, an announcement containing the maximum quota allotment of sugar to be exported...
Organized retail consolidated in 2016 with larger players expanding their presence through acquisition of regional players.