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Vietnam continues to struggle through its fourth Covid-19 outbreak which began in May 2021. The latest, and most severe outbreak has negatively affected the livestock and aquaculture sectors, as well as total feed demand due to strict government regulations and restrictions.
This report provides the latest update regarding developments in Vietnam’s Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional (HRI) food service sector and provides a road map for exporters wishing to enter the market.
Turkey’s marketing year (MY) 2021/22 sunflower seed area and production is estimated at 760,000 hectares and 1.75 million metric tons (MMT) respectively.
FAS China’s marketing year (MY) 2021/22 corn import forecast is 20 million metric tons (MMT) while its estimate for corn imports in MY 2020/21 is raised to 30 MMT.
Vietnam is an emerging economy in Southeast Asia that has experienced rapid growth and development during the last few decades. As has historically been the case in many countries, growth in animal-based protein consumption has gone hand-in-hand with this economic development.
Awareness over the health benefits of tree nuts has increased consumer demand over the past five years.
Post expects the Philippine food service sector to shrink by a further 13 percent to $7.4 billion in 2021, following its 44 percent decline in 2020. With the spread of the Delta variant of COVID-19, people are hesitant to return to restaurants.
The impact of the COVID-19 health crisis on the Spanish Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional (HRI) sector has been nothing short of devastating.
Sugar production in Mexico for marketing year 2021/22 is forecast to rebound from last year’s drought affected season, after ample rain and optimal growing conditions have been observed in much of the country’s cane producing states.
Post forecasts production to increase slightly in 2022, despite Angola’s challenges to expansion, including to a lack of animal feed, veterinary medicine, chicken feedlots, general infrastructure, and the prohibition of genetically engineered (GE) feed products.
With more than 83 million of the world’s wealthiest consumers, Germany is the largest market for food and agricultural products in the European Union.
Post maintains its estimate for marketing year 2020/2021 (MY20/21) corn consumption at 14.5 million metric tons (MMT), but revised MY21/22 corn consumption down to 14.35MMT on a lower estimate for feed and residual with anticipation of declining feed demand in the second half of CY2021.