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Bubble charting show what percentage of each commodity grown in the United States is ultimately exported to overseas markets.
Infographic showing highlights of U.S. agricultural exports to China, which totaled $21.4 billion in 2016.
Grain Stocks on April 1, 2017 are 32.0 MMT… Summary of Russian Agriculture Subsidy Expenditures in 2016… GOR Distributes Subsidies for Purchasing of Agricultural Equipment…
For 2017/18, domestic consumption for the domestic spinning industry is forecast at 55,000 tons slightly higher than 2016/17 forecast at 54,430 tons....
Post estimates that cotton planted area in Vietnam continues to shrink to an insignificant amount and pushing the country a step closer to importing 100 percent of cotton....
MY 2017/18 raw cotton production is projected at 130,000 bales on favorable weather and expansion of American Upland cotton planted area; imports are projected to rise by 6.2 million bales....
Post forecasts cotton planted area for 2017/18 to increase to one million hectares based on higher prices and domestic demand.
Higher cotton prices in MY16/17 and continued government’s subsidies are expected to encourage cotton farmers to moderately expand cotton acreage in MY17/18.
Spanish area planted to cotton for MY 2017/18 will show marginal growth compared to 2016/17 levels.
Pakistan’s marketing year 2017/18 cotton production is forecast at 8.5 million 480 lb bales, up 10 percent from a year ago due to an expected increase in area.
Indonesian importers report that anticipated increases in fossil fuel prices will drive down synthetic fiber demand, pushing up Indonesia’s expected cotton imports in MY 2016/17.
Uzbek cotton planted area and production target for MY 2017/18 is announced as 1.2 million hectares and about 3.18 MMT of seed cotton.