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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Senegal: Biosafety Law - 2008 - Mali

On December 1, 2008, the Government of Mali signed the National Biosafety Law 08-042. The law outlines the approval process for genetically engineered (GE) products developed domestically....
On May 5, 1989, the Government of Senegal passed Decree 89-543; this decree is still in effect and provides food safety regulations for meat and meat products, including ante and post mortem....
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Senegal: Exporter Guide

From calendar year (CY) 2012 to 2016, U.S. agricultural export sales to Senegal averaged $16.1 million per year.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Senegal: FAIRS Export Certificate Report

This report is a reissuance of the 2016 FAIRS export certificate report.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Senegal: FAIRS Country Report

This report is an annual update of Senegal’s food and feed regulations and governmental regulatory bodies and enforcement mechanisms.
On March 24, 1999, the Government of Senegal passed Decree 99-259, which supports Food Safety Law 68-48.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Senegal: Trade and Production of Tomato Concentrate

Decree No. 2003-638 notes that imported tomato concentrate must be compliant with Article 9 of Decree No. 68-507, and that the application of Senegalese Standard NS 03 036 (August 1994) concerning....
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Senegal: Biosafety Law 2009

The Biosafety Law, 2009 contains information on the biotechnology approval process in Senegal for GE products developed domestically or by a third country.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Senegal: Trade Regulations for Plant and Forestry Products

On March 10, 1960, the Government of Senegal passed Decree 60-121; this decree is still in effect and regulates the trade of various plant or forestry products including planting seeds, live plants...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Senegal: Food Safety Law 68-48

On May 27, 1966, the Government of Senegal passed Food Safety Law 68-48; this law is still in effect and gives authority to the Food Products Control Commission to regulate the safety of food....
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Senegal: Trade and Production of Processed Food or Feed

On May 2, 1968, the Government of Senegal passed Decree 68-507; this decree is still in effect and regulates the trade and production of processed food or feed.
On September 10, 2009, the Government of Senegal issued Decree 2009-872, which supports Food Safety Law 68-48.