Russia: Oilseeds and Products Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   RS2021-0023

A package of export restricting measures aimed at the oilseeds market is expected to dampen the trend of increasing oilseed production in Russia. However, total MY 2021/22 oilseed production is still projected to grow to 22.4 million metric (MMT) where sunflower oilseed production will reach 15.5 MMT, soybean production, 4.4 MMT and rapeseed production 2.5 MMT. Vegetable oil production is estimated to reach 7.2 MMT, while meal production is likely to reach 10 MMT in MY 2021/22. Fish meal production is estimated to grow to 150 TMT in MY 2021/22.

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