Russia: Livestock and Products Annual 2014

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

FAS/Moscow forecasts Russian imports of cattle to remain relatively flat in 2015 (i.e., 100,000 head) as livestock importers continue to improve the quality of their genetics. FAS/Moscow also forecasts a slight increase in domestic beef production (to 1.4 MMT) next year given the anticipated rate of slaughter. Imports of live swine are forecast to fall off in 2015 as a result of increased domestic production and trade restrictions due to disease outbreaks in Europe and North America. Russian pork production is forecast to increase by nearly 6.5 percent in 2015 (to 2.82 MMT) which, in turn, is anticipated to lead to a nine percent decrease in imports (375,000 MT).

Russia: Livestock and Products Annual 2014

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