Romania: Exporter Guide Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   RO2024-0004
Romania continues to be a growing market for U.S. food and agriculture exports. Romania’s total resident population is 19.05 million people, which is a marginal increase from previous years, with about 48 percent living in rural areas (2023 data). The annual rate of inflation reached 10.4 percent in 2023, an improvement from the 13.8 percent in 2022. In 2023, Romania’s total agricultural imports reached $14.6 billion, a 5 percent increase over 2022, of which 56 percent were sourced from EU Member States (MSs). Germany, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, and the Netherlands were Romania’s major trading partners in 2023. Meat, dairy, grains, oilseeds, and beverages were the major product import categories.

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