Poland: Biofuels Market Outlook in Poland 2015

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

In 2014 Poland’s total production amounted to 0.7 MMT of biodiesel and 0.14 MMT of bioethanol. For the last few years, imports of bioethanol from other EU countries increased significantly, while local production went down. There is a significant surplus of current domestic production capacity in both biodiesel and bioethanol markets in Poland and further investments in this area are not expected. For the year 2015, the National Indicative Target (NIT) for Poland was set at 7.1 percent. It will remain at the same level until 2016. In April 2014 Poland completed the process of RED (Renewable Energy Directive) transposition into national legislation.

Poland: Biofuels Market Outlook in Poland 2015


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