Philippines: Philippine Rice Quantitative Restrictions to Expire in 2017

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

The National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) announced that the Philippines will not seek to extend the Quantitative Restriction (QR) on rice (which is a domestic support program to help farmers). However, the Philippine Department of Agriculture (DA) stated that it will pursue a two-year extension on the QR to prepare farmers to compete with other Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) rice-producing countries. Much is to be seen on how the situation will play out, but the Government of the Philippines (GOP) has already initiated a series of stakeholder consultations. Starting July 1, 2017, tariff concessions made under the QR will end along with the program’s expiration, and tariff rates will revert back to their previous, higher levels. Some of those concessions include mechanically-separated meat (MSM) of poultry, dairy products, and oilseed meals.

Philippines: Philippine Rice Quantitative Restrictions to Expire in 2017

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