Pakistan: Grain and Feed Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

Pakistan’s soon-to-be harvested 2017/18 wheat crop is forecast at 25.2 million metric tons, marginally lower than a year ago. Dry conditions at planting, especially in rain fed areas countered generally ideal conditions during January and February. The government is likely to procure over 6 million metric tons of wheat which will boost public stock levels to around 10.5 million tons shortly after the start of the marketing year in a few months. Pakistan’s MY 2016/17 wheat export estimate is revised down to 600,000 metric tons mainly due to lack of momentum in wheat flour exports to Afghanistan. MY 2016/17 rice exports are forecast at 4.0 million metric tons, down seven percent from the last year’s figure of 4.3 million metric tons. MY 2017/2018 corn production is forecast at 5.8 million tons three percent higher than the current marketing year demand from the poultry industry and the increased use of hybrids spurs production. 

Pakistan: Grain and Feed Annual



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