Netherlands: Fewer Fruits per Tree Due To Unfavorable Growing Conditions

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   NL2024-0013
This year’s apple harvest is expected to be 197,000 MT, slightly lower than last year’s numbers and the lowest in a decade. Pear production is set to drop by around nine percent, with a total of 327,000 MT. The decrease in pear harvest is mostly due to tough growing conditions throughout the season, leading to fewer fruits per tree. When it comes to the land being harvested, apple acreage is shrinking further, down to about 5,220 hectares. Pear acreage, however, is holding steady at roughly 10,000 hectares. In terms of varieties, Elstar apples and Conference pears are the top picks in the Netherlands. There's also growing interest in club varieties and several supermarket chains are now even offering their own branded apples, grown exclusively for them. Most Dutch apples stay within the Netherlands (85-90 percent of the total production), while Dutch pears—along with Belgian pears—are leading the charge in EU pear exports. By far most Dutch pears stay in the EU.

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