Mexico: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   MX2021-0087

Mexico has not reported any official biotechnology food or feed products approvals since May 2018. Additionally, Mexico has rejected or delayed all permit applications for cultivation of genetically engineered (GE) cotton in 2019, citing the precautionary principle. Cotton is the only GE crop planted in Mexico, and while production reached a record in marketing year (MY) 2018/2019, the lack of updated seed availability coupled with additional challenges in the sector has significantly reduced production (approximately a 33 percent reduction) and quality. On January 1, 2021, a Decree entered into force calling for a phase-out glyphosate and GE corn by January 2024, and its replacement with sustainable and ‘culturally appropriate’ alternatives. Mexico is one of the world’s largest importers of GE corn and soybeans, with 2020 imports reaching approximately U.S. $3.1 billion and U.S. $2.2 billion respectively, with supplies mainly from the United States.

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