Kenya: Exporter Guide

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

Kenya’s imports of consumer-oriented food products grew at an annual average rate of 12.6 percent between calendar years (CY) 2013 and 2017. U.S. exports grew by 21.2 percent in the same period. The aforementioned growth is attributed to a fast growing middle class, and expanding food service and food retail sector. The growth is projected to continue. Best product prospects include snack foods, dairy products, pasta, sauces and condiments, pet food and specialized food ingredients. Kenya’s ban on genetically engineering foods limits access for U.S. agricultural exports. Bulk and intermediate products continue to dominate U.S. agricultural exports to Kenya, accounting for 84 percent of total U.S. agricultural exports in CY 2017 totaling US$ 73 million.

Kenya: Exporter Guide

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